Pixcayān Macuahuitl
12 min readAug 7, 2020



They zigged when we zagged, slipped then I dipped. Mutual combat by way of misdirection. Red Grange +Eric Metcalf xDevin Hester =Respect for Jim Thorpe? See there… nice lil feint & weave and we kept thangs multiculti… where was I going with this? Thought you already knew…

Thats how easy and common its become. If you can actually spit something slick, forget about reason… in this climate even the rap is no longer required to rhyme. A criminally, often fatally watered down game emanating from capitols of spiritual and secular corruption such as Jerusalem, Rome and Riyadh to the corridors of power in places like DC (Go-Go scene excluded), Madison Avenue and Hollyweird… places like here and there. Lazy days in a hungry world, and we are falling for it. Falling wide asleep.

Brake Up to Make Up, Crashout to Cashout -

Just what does it take to garner bi-partisan beltway unison? What issue is severe enough to pull together D & R party members, whom on the surface seem so diametrically opposed to one another? Choose from the crisis selection at your Federal officials soda fountain of misery… Covid, which leads into a collapsing economy? Two decades of declared war in addition to an expanding GWOT? How about an already cold war with China and the seemingly imminent, frigid conditions on the horizon with Russia? Could it be this social upheaval rocking America’s physical landscape and challenging our very cultural fabric? If not, surely an impending ecological doomsday would provide the necessary impetus to spur the duly elected into action on behalf of their constituents right? Perhaps the epidemic of child trafficking? This is a time for heroes! So what circumstance united the Red and Blue of White Washington’s District of Columbia?

Summer Vacation -

“Pause urrythang (except my pay, benefits, staff, budget and etc.)… I need some me time.” Which is what the public is being told after our clown college on the Potomac decided to pull an Alice Cooper, call recess and now were back at cant even think up a word to rhyme! Outside of agreeing to take paid time off, these paragons of profiteering seem to find consensus in decimating the electorate with their policies, yet simultaneously demanding to be seen as legitimate, civil servant/leader hybrids… the abominable arrogance of the Epstein class paired with the sickening capitulation of their enablers and initiates. When will we admit the reality of what unites these collectives of crooked souls? When will we stop lying to ourselves for their benefit?

Redlining… With One Hand on the Wheel, One on the E Brake -

Attempting to advance the ridiculous narrative of present day America embodying a true representative democracy would be insulting to both author and reader, as we have previously established these parties are not in actual contest against each other. Rather they are employing increasingly polarizing methods with which to distract their bases from the clear, concerted and integrated agenda of this two sided coin. That agendas ultimate intended materialization is the enactment of a two tiered society consisting of an opulent ruling class, the suffering masses and a corporate/government/MIC/police-state-borg tasked with enforcing the planned segregation.

Yet even in our numbed, dumbed down and shellshocked state… Americans are still awake enough to realize something is afoot. At least over half of us are because we either find candidates and parties outside of the duopoly or absolutely refuse voting for any establishment charlatan period. And they are all charlatans. By now most of the public has picked up on this to varying degrees, so a key differentiation method would be gauging the intensity of our self-imposed blinders. As asked before, are we ready to take an objective assessment of our national situation? Are we prepared to admit a truth which is only denied by our own lyin eyes?

The Big Tell -

If so many feel this, it must be close enough to the surface to discern right? Lets see if we can fill in the outline of that dark shadow looming under the boat…

In order to engineer this agenda of social transformation, multiple pillars and bedrocks of civic life must be reconfigured or destroyed. Paramount of this destruction is the willing transference of basic human rights and autonomy, combined with a revamping of the economy into a fully compliant and reorganized global structure… a New World Order if you will. But Americans love our lives and value our freedom… what could make us surrender them so willingly, without a shot fired? We have worked so hard to establish our economic preeminence on the international stage, under what circumstance would it be allowed to abide its own destruction?

While producing almost no actuable data and with very little impartial scientific input to support the contention, a pandemic was declared and the public was informed of a threat so severe that in order to stave off “millions and millions” of American deaths, we were to shelter in place and to surrender our public life and inter-personal contact. This was a key component of the program, to introduce a “new normal” of human non-interaction. An overnight shift to the impersonal, masked and anonymous frontier where contact is to be feared and shunned. Where Grandma is terrified of hugging her grandchildren and where the social bond of teacher and student is disintegrated. Where the communal activities involving faith and sport are shuttered and most importantly… where you can no longer report to your job. Regardless of personal status or health, unless you are deemed “essential” by an authority or have the luxury of working from home, your employment (self or otherwise) can now be now outlawed.

To be clear, I believe there is a legitimate new or pre-existing mutated illness going around and I also believe that it is right and reasonable to take proper precautions regarding people with specific immune system issues, our elders who have appeared particularly susceptible to this new strain of whatever it turns out to be, and others with legitimate conditions. Their health should be respected and accommodated, without question. I also feel that in general we should be striving for a healthier lifestyle in order to better cope with an increasingly toxic environment of our own creation. However, no data, study or professional perspective has been produced which can logically explain the immediate necessity for this global shutdown in order to contain an illness that has failed to bear out the horrifying notoriety it was introduced with. An illness which almost all of us would eventually be exposed to anyway, regardless of lockdowns.

In a collision of collusion, the two party myth was shattered by unification on a grand-guignol scale as witnessed by their fast-tracked legislation implementing a new regime of mandatory and forced testing, vaccinations, contact tracing and quarantining. As in the “you disappear” sort of quarantining. Im aware of the back and forth on this issue, the disagreements regarding the severity of the aforementioned legislation. When it comes to our sovereign rights as sentient human beings, there is no negotiation… these rights are inalienable and that legislation was specifically advanced in grievous violation of those essential, human rights. So why and how was this infamously turgid bunch able to move with such swiftness during a time of vacationland crisis? So fast in fact that reliable tests, vaccines and established safety protocols dont even exist yet? What is the actual catalyst for this Capitol Hill sprinters spree, culminating with the horrific TRACE/HERO acts and HR-6666 (which authorizes funding of the various legislation) when the testing cant be proven effective or even useful, the vaccines are still a Gates Foundation dream-scheme, the medical professionals of countries contact tracing was implemented in have almost unanimously declared it harmful and counter productive at best and the public vehemently opposes forced quarantines?

They are attempting to introduce a Federally controlled society, initiated by fear of disease and ruled by their state security apparatus… the two-tiered re-engineering of society previously mentioned.

If the gentle reader doubts these contentions or requires further food for thought we can examine the peculiar phenomenon of those same, well documented sloths of Washington once again, springing into action to initiate the largest upward transfer of wealth in modern human history. This was accomplished in large part through the near-unanimously supported (one voice dissented during one vote?) CARE acts passed in response to the covid “crisis” and other legislative components which have given away what remained of your collective assets to politicians, their families and the masters they both serve. You may be asking yourself “So they had a plan to enforce a lockdown regime while looting whats left of the taxpayers resources, and thats the only plan they had? Nothing for the citizens?” In all fairness, they did release some of the nations own money back to some of her people via a $1200 advance on next years tax return under the guise of a “stimulus check” but if people have no means to earn a living between now and then, seems more like bait for a debt ambush than a hand up to me. Unless you are counting D/R traphouse swindles like Chuck Schumer’s stupefyingly stereotype reinforcing introduction of possible “low-interest” loans for the unemployed masses instead of a UBI/Med4All/Housing control-hybrid while making sure he and his cohorts fleece everything they can steal for themselves or deliver to their masters… because there are plenty of those scams in the wind these days. Special shout out to the putrid confederacy spanning Frisco’s own Ice Cream Cryptkeeper and her swindlepalooza on down to the sordid, southern genteel and their neo-antibellum malfeasance. Face it, them not having a plan to help anyone other than themselves and their masters was the plan. It is the plan. That and insisting you submit to a microchipped solution in a syringe. “Please have your travel documents, including your immunity passport ready for inspection…” yes, thats a real thing and is already in “voluntary” test-run status on American soil as you read this article. So are the more draconian elements of the new legislation, finding their dress rehearsal in places like Ventura Co. California, ground zero for beta-testing the control operations of the enforced “swabbing”, vaccination, surveillance and quarantine regime. “ApiJect on standby for Bill and Melinda…” We could ask black and brown victims of these contemptible eugenicists how well they rate this game of roulette by injection. We could ask the ones who are still alive anyway.

The clear and undeniable reality is that an extended period of dominance over US politics by the Democrat/Republican party duopoly has resulted in this epic pipeline of graft and a legacy of heinous corruption rivaled only by the most diabolical of historical ruling parties… and unfortunately all on a scale usually only confronted once the fiddle plays and civilization burns. When lensed through the knowledge that this duopolies extravagant personal corpulence and the voracious appetites of their masters both feed off the American populace, it may become easier to fathom the notion that something had to give. That something became sometime, which quickly became right now… either they make an outright play for control or we make it for them by bending the knee and acquiescing to a future/present of 1984-meets-Mad Max-meets-Ready Player One. Unless we choose to stand.

It is true that this present, engineered vulnerability has been further exploited to our detriment, but if we are to take an actual look in the mirror, the reflection will show us that our own compromised morals, blurred vision and faulty priorities have also greatly contributed to this current condition. We can chalk it up to the brave new world of the 2000s. We can blame Clinton or Trump. We can cast criticism at any number of scapegoats… but the cold facts of the matter are that the plebeians simply walked away from many of our human, ethical responsibilities and now we are paying a price for it. The sooner we get right, get vigilant, the sooner we get back on track…

Last of the Friday Night Lights?

I have long held the opinion that once whatever “it” was that we all sensed was coming began, football would be a key tool in the advancement of its arrival. Since overtaking baseball as the nations premiere spectator team sport, football dominates weekends in America for half of the year with a formula consisting of 1) Fridays for the youth and families: Reserved for high-school play from rural 6 & 8 man squads to giant, conglomerated suburban district campus’ 2) Saturdays for the nation: NCAA football takes place across the country, merging the excitement of big-time athletics with a sense of camaraderie and commitment to community as the game is contested on an elite level, yet retains its amateur status 3) Sundays for the world: NFL games are becoming a staple of the global sporting tapestry. Their impact can be measured by everything from the number of nations now hosting actual games to the masses of internet users streaming league programming abroad and even to the explosion of merchandise, both bootleg and legit. In fact, there is now so much gridiron activity in America that during football season, one can usually locate some level of game action on any given weeknight as well.

My intuition didn’t let me down as we currently witness a Commander In Chief prancing around (as only a beached whale in Mar-a-Lago tennis shorts and a trucker hat can) on the “We need our sports” homecoming float. He wants to be queen so bad… Trump has also exerted extensive effort to ensure political and corporate allies such as Vince McMahon and Dana White are able to hustle their “independent contractors” into whatever compromised position is needed to get their respective shows back on the road… but I can long recall the notion that there would be an upheaval, planned or otherwise, and it would be temporarily quelled in part by the initiation of football season while the Super Bowl would serve as a final, secular holiday to rally around before “they” attempt a full-scale reset of the entire system. It seems to be an almost tailor made and forgone conclusion. Such convenient coincidence. That scenario would have to consider SBLV which will occur in Tampa a few months after the election… an election these sporting distractions are serving to facilitate: A brief “return to normal” after tanking the economy and terrifying the populace in order to expedite an election cycle of doom.

There is already a push to eliminate football from the American sporting repertoire (particularly regarding youth participants) due to it being among the most violent endeavors in the pantheon of physical culture. A stark conclusion must be drawn when combat sport athletes, hockey players and rodeo hands all generally enjoy longer careers with less concussive head trauma than do football players. Perhaps in its potential swan song here, the pastime may prove to be a most potent distraction for the multitudes as TPTB attempt to cement their control over the very people willing to be satisfied by a game on the tube, a processed/pre-packaged “meal” and an ice cold one in hand with more in the fridge. Distractions. Misdirections. The ol’ shake-n-bake, ol’ okie doke… whatever it takes to get us across that finish(ed) line in November. Which brings us to…

The Election Nobody Wanted to Win -

This topic can be elaborated on at a later date, but Kid Bankruptcy seems to be looking for a way out. Its unclear if his masters and ego will let him depart without initiating another term, but he should beat the absolute breaks off Brainmelt Joe during any debates and likely wouldn’t accede to being punked and defrauded during the generals as the crowd of DNC candidates did. This marks him as my momentary odds-favorite to capture the golden dunce cap. His opponent, Joe “racial jungle/crime bill” Biden’s party also wishes to usher in a transition to this planned two tiered society. That transitions main mechanism consists of an impending economic collapse needed to bring the plot to fruition, a collapse which neither party appears to want to accept responsibility for by way of leadership… and thus Ds/Rs have each offered up their respective sacrificial simpletons. Both deserve what they get so whoever wins, he is still almost guaranteed a losing hand.

The Hour Draws Nigh -

You wont find attempts at prophecy here. What you will find are perspectives based on honest discernment of our shared reality. Analytical, lucid conversation and examination which comes from a place of humanity should lead to conclusion and sound theory… not idle claims or wild speculation. Certainly not prophesy. That said, longplay plans which have been in motion for more years than any human is alive are converging into some sort of an attempted crescendo. Thats not exactly breaking news as they are openly demonstrating their intent, but the paper thin kayfabe veneer is still holding for the moment so at this present time, I guess we can continue playing it to the bone…

Now that we have identified much of the “what” involved in this enigmatic surge towards societal restructure, the next step will be to dissect the “how” portions of the puzzle. If we are to redirect our current course towards a more beneficial destination for all, it will be important to identify and comprehend these components and gears of the machinery they have in place to implement their designs. The elites wish to usher in a global gilded age, ruled without question or consequence at our expense. In America they needed to crash the economy, scare the population into submission and solidify the transition of the nations police forces from independent fiefdoms of corruption to a subordinate corps of shock troops ready to enforce the edicts of a new corporate monarchy. This is playing out during our summertime blues and in chapter two, we will audit the agency at the center of efforts towards completing this attempted transformation of society… the US Federal Reserve system.



Pixcayān Macuahuitl

Do we face front w/aspirations of hope & life, or a sense of dread & doubt? How will we greet changing seasons? Are these gangster riddles or evident truths?