Pixcayān Macuahuitl
6 min readDec 5, 2020



Funk-A-Teers are Here!

“Chet Billignswerst here with your post-game wrap-up! It sure seems we had a real donnybrook which has gone on to the judges scorecards… however there does appear to be some controversy as we haven’t yet been rendered an official decision. While we await the result, lets head over for some correspondent coverage and analysis with our man on the scene, Pixcayan Machuahuitl. PixMac, do you have anything on the verdict for us?”


“PixMac, can you hear me?”


“PixMac, are y-”

“Yeah ChitWorst, I copy. My name aint PixMac. The next such liberty you take with my nom-de-guerre could result in you tasting the back of my hand.”

“Wow, explosive revelations there! Will chiggedy checks myself before I wrecks myself.”

“You do that.”

“Regarding this titanic, totally legit struggle between two virile and in-their-prime liberal/conservative champions… can you call a winner and did this play out as you expected?”

“Pretty much. My forecast during the pre-game stands, this was a sham election cycle which neither party was serious about winning solo.”

“Um, ok-ok I can see it. Mass Russian/Iranian interference, Jill Stein, tv-Cuomo leaks via twitter that the ’83 Grenada revolutionary faction was in on this as well. I can work with that.”

“No. Neither party displayed an actual commitment to victory. This was evidenced during the DNC primary as well as both parties actions prior to, during, and after the November 3rd elections. Further cementing this reality is the fact that we have mainly independent actors who are loosely affiliated with/unsanctioned by, official Dem and Repub channels of power whom have taken up this fight for election integrity and vigilance. They are advancing serious challenges by providing proof of unexplainable results and outright fraud while official party players on both sides of the aisle obfuscate. I previously considered the slight possibility that Trumps ego could push him to stand against being openly chumped, but he became acclimated with life as an open chump long ago and to the chagrin of his true-believers, he appears neither willing nor able to change that trajectory. But when your hero is draped in as much depravity as Trump is, its certainly chagrin and not bewilderment as their self-imposed illusion of a modern King Cyrus has shown his true colors all along. So the clear D/R plan is now to combine the A) ensuing chaos of an openly rigged election process with B) national civil unrest which R/Ds and their media proxies have feverishly fomented along arbitrary right/left/progressive/conservative/etc lines and C) this manufactured collapse of the economy to herd us into one predetermined outcome… D) the current, attempted establishment of a two-tiered societal nightmare via poverty, instability, syringes, lock downs and quarantines for the masses while the Trump’s, Pelosi’s and Newsome’s enjoy showcasing and enforcing the privilege of their masters to live beyond such restrictions and peril.”

“Uhh… thanks for the update. I guess that about-ah… wrrrraps things up here. Hm. Umm… back to Barb and Brad in the studio!”

Degenerate Media, Social Degradation -

When was the turn which led us to this place where BOTH “sides” cheat, yet instead of stomping them into the ground, journalists serve in collusion and “legitimate” news sources act as direct outlets for various factions of corruption? Where virtually EVERY msm voice is telling a lie every time they speak?

Historically, the goals and products of our American Professional Media Class (APMC) have often been problematic. This is likely true of many societies which strive for open access to information and freedom of expression as even with the best of intentions, exercising our human will and rights can still become complicated. Yet we don’t sacrifice our pursuit of learning and communication when trying to achieve a proper balance. We can protect the rights of free information presentation and reception while also respecting the need for societal standards, especially in shared or public spaces. But this current climate of pervasive media perversion and prestidigitation, this atmosphere replete with channel after channel and program upon program attempting to mainline us agenda and emotion in place of fact and dialog, attempting to manipulate the very fabric of your reality by altering and controlling your perception of it… is life imitating art or is truth stranger than fiction? Is it live or is it Memorex?

The information era has unleashed an unprecedented assault on the free will and thought of world citizenry, and if our will and thought fall, how will the spirit survive? It wont. Not without the grace of the Creator and TPTB are counting on this. They are preparing to offer forth ultimatums which the acceptance of will delegitimize commitments to faith, family and community… locally, globally. This is akin to how they operate among themselves, did we think it would be any different for the proletariat? Once we compromise our values and standards… our ethos… what remains? If we trade away our gift of humanity for the impossible dream that by surrendering to the worst of enemies, things will somehow become stable or even “better”… are we still legit Americans? Are we still Jewish, Christian or Muslim? Still Hindu or Buddhist? Still even human? Certainly not free humans…

Decoder Rings Not Required -

For many moons, TPTB media machinations operated on a progressing scale varying from “We dont understand this, so just get them on stage/in the studio/front of the camera etc. and let them do their thing in order to profit from tickets/units/ratings/etc.” to “We are starting to understand this and how to interfere with the artistic process in order to direct strategic results”.

During the 1980’s TPTB prepared to launch their stranglehold operation for total creative control of the entertainment industry via immersion and acquiescence to the msm. Implemented with gusto in the 1990’s and hyper-accelerated in the early 2000’s, this operation was obviously successful enough to bring us to our present state…. An operation culminating in the present epoch of full-on agenda promotion via an integrated, multi-industry machine designed and controlled for the expressed purpose of implementing the long-planned “New World Order” during the now-unfolding “Great Reset”.

So where can the people turn to during these dark days in search of answers? Where can we look for tools to breakdown how this game is played on us which actually benefit our perspectives? When its this difficult just to locate outlets providing any coverage (fair or otherwise) of issues we all know are so vital, where can we find source material to examine which provides proven examples on how to counter and defeat this seemingly-overwhelming onslaught of media-driven cyclones and tsunamis?

Beyond Kayfabe -

Investigation towards establishing a true nature, scope and severity of the threat posed by these maniac mental machinations of mainstream media often become bogged down in opinion and perspective. Far too often, honest examinations of the topic lead to more confusion and haze once sidetracked by egos/agendas/ignorance spouted as fact/straight up disinfo.

So Im going to fight with fire. Im calling for backup. Backup who (when they are on point and at their purest) are so far ahead of the curve in both societal trendsetting and barrier-breaking advocacy that the msm cant even find their dust to eat it. Backup that not only plays by their own rules… they have specific license and almost unlimited range of on-limit topics to engage and confront with. Backup that cuts across almost every known social class and barrier. My back up is Professional Wrestling.

I realize many a reader may question the legitimacy of my back up. Fair enough.

The next few installments in the Stratagem Cogitation series will actually form a sub-series where before your very eyes, the sport of Professional Wrestling exposes not only the msm but so much more. It will also likely expose something of ourselves as well, but honest confrontation and self-examination are important parts of growth and life, aint they? Since Professional Wrestling is so closely associated with visuals, action and urgency lets get right to it… my backup is ready to make an impression…



Pixcayān Macuahuitl

Do we face front w/aspirations of hope & life, or a sense of dread & doubt? How will we greet changing seasons? Are these gangster riddles or evident truths?