Pixcayān Macuahuitl
11 min readFeb 28, 2021



By now most of America has become aware of (if not embroiled in) the recent, ongoing pier-sixer between Gina Carano, Disney/Lucasfilm and twitter. This moment of confrontation is the result of a collision between various personal and social agendas which are converging behind the scenes at some of the worlds most powerful media conglomerates. These interests are competing for command of intellectual properties which exert incalculable influence over the public, up-to/including the very cultural identities their worldwide audience of devoted consumers adopt. As discussed in previous articles, these entities have become so preeminent that from their too-big-to-fail perches, they can afford to occupy a space where generating profit is no longer their ultimate goal. Disney has been angling towards a position of international market dominance among these mega-media rivals, even before purchasing the ABC/ESPN network package. With their latest Marvel/National Geographic/Lucasfilm/UFC acquisitions, they are now competing to become arguably the premier producer of media for mass consumption on Earth. The biggest gun in Hollywood and on Madison Avenue. Bigger than the BBC, or CCP’s Publicity Department. Bigger than Bollywoods top studio networks. Bigger than the World Cup and Olympics combined. And once a consortium becomes that big, it can attempt foisting social agendas and influencing public opinion on a global scale, often resulting in very real consequences. With so many resources at their disposal, they can also maintain a seemingly indefinite level of ferocious promotional intensity… irregardless of mounting financial losses suffered as a direct result of decisions to base product design on potential social impact instead of art or even profit (as evidenced by Netflix and last summers Cuties controversy). So while Disney currently lacks the outrageously valued share price-point of Neflix, their stock is respectable on its own and unlike Netflix, The Mouse maintains a beloved worldwide brand recognition empire surpassed only by the major religious faiths. For those interested in advancing agenda’s and promoting narratives, Disney is a unique and invaluable tool of persuasion and direction.

Coalition of the Shilling -

Keeping this general media overview in mind before shifting to a studio-specific perspective, we can see there appears to be two primary agenda/identity camps under the Lucasfilm (production house responsible for the Star Wars franchise) umbrella vying for ultimate control of the studios content direction: Jon Favreau’s bro-doggie, insecure incel-tinged phony masculine faction and the Kathleen Kennedy led faux feminist, Anti-Social Justice Warrior brigade. Of the two, Faverau’s production crew seems to focus a bit heavier on connecting their live actor-centric content with original source canon and has enjoyed more commercial success. Contrasted with the ideologically driven Kennedy-clique projects which have displayed a willingness to ignore established franchise material and storylines in favor of re-imagining existing Star Wars lore and characters or introducing entirely new variants. Often in animated format and receiving high marks from critics. On one hand is a group who never fought a lick in their lives, delivering soft-core versions of Marvel’s outright US Military Industrial Complex-compliant propaganda… while on the other an inner-circle of Hollyweird degenerates want to reinvent our values and ethos from within their corrupted Tinsel Town confines. What happened to just filming outstanding sci-fi movies?

Regarding the scrap between these two factions, I recently got hep to some insider info regarding this situation, but from an outsider source. More on that in a moment. As for the inside, my info matches up with what others are also breaking as this goes to publish… It appears that in an effort to sabotage the success of Favreau’s faction and wrest over-arching control of the franchises direction, many of the “twitter stan” activists and their targeting of Carano’s involvement with the Mandalorian project may have acted not only in connection with the Kennedy faction, Kennedy’s court may have been the actual parties who instigated, if not outright initiated the original twitter campaign itself.

The perfect storm. A platform offering what appeared to be anonymous avenues for attack while simultaneously augmenting a shadow chorus of voices (unknown in actual number) into a seemingly overwhelming army of morally outraged indignants. If true, this means that the Kennedy fake-feminist troop not only plotted against the financial interest of Disney/Lucasfilm, they actively tried to destroy an actress’ career with an orchestrated, clandestine offensive of lies/insults/baseless accusations. From the looks of it not only are they just getting started, their next target is a woman of color… Rosario Dawson, as reported here by the Midnight’s Edge team:

Midnight’s Edge reporting provides an excellent set of building blocks when establishing their case by focusing on the realities of this situation, then synergizing that foundation with their own insider info. The reader can also appreciate their diligence and clarity in regards to delineating between concrete fact and hypothesis/rumor, a trait rapidly becoming all too rare in these hazy days of mis/informational skullduggery. If you want a more complete understanding of what is both known and speculated to be in play right now, this video is highly recommended.

Echos From Below the Surface -

The alleged objective of this cancel-culture mob is to enable the professional blacklisting/personal pariah-hood of targeted individuals in order to combat what the mob deems as politically incorrect personalities and/or morally problematic content. Naturally, this movement would have to maintain some sort of purity test to ensure its not abused as an occupational weapon on the corporate battlefield. With so much on the line and the risk of being incorrect in judgement always a possibility, certainly there would be checks and balances which enable a fair, transparent accounting of the voices involved eh? There definitely shouldn't be room to taint this action with inner-industry politics, directives and dictates should there? Just keep this between the creative vision of the filmmakers and the public their works effect… no way should it be sullied as an instrument with which to police the actual thought and speech of professionals within these entertainment fields right?

Not according to more inside info, which was also corroborated during an interview available in the same video with former Disney professional Kamran Pasha. As you can see for yourself, he noted that not only was this an obvious attack on Carano, it was also intended to send a message directed at anyone else who might have the notion that their freedom of speech shouldn't be limited by the arbitrary standards of an anonymous echo chamber and top-down delivered talking points. It was intended as a clear warning… dont step out of line with your thought or speech and dont come to the aid of those we place in our sights.

Also noted during the interview is the usage of industry specific press and media to act as conduits of intimidation/dissemination for those directing these agitational efforts. He elaborated that these platforms and individuals function to deliver directive to the talent pool, and those who disregard these unofficial notices do so at their own peril. Further called out was the thinly veiled racism engaged in by outlets attempting to attach Carano’s Italian surname, heritage and families legitimate engagements with gaming establishments (casinos) to a hackneyed smear via insinuated organized crime connections.

This establishes a much bigger picture than a situation involving one actress, a few execs and a single, studio imprint.

A Call to Arms Unheeded -

Curiously and unfortunately absent from any defense of Gina Carano are the numerous organization which are specifically pledged to help protect females in the entertainment biz from discrimination and worse. These are organizations formed with the expressed purpose of advancing female access and status in the film industry and have since supposedly evolved into becoming advocates for those who require support in this extremely predatory and increasingly toxic environment of professional media. So why are they sitting on the sidelines, allowing this female who is a literal representation of talent, power and honesty to be attacked with no industry voices to support her? Why are they remaining silent?

Perhaps the previously mentioned insider info I got from an outside source can shed some light onto that query…

As stated earlier in this article and in other pieces I have published, the entertainment industry has become almost completely compliant as a mechanism with which the top income percentile/owner-class can infiltrate and exert control over the masses psyches. Profitability has become a secondary concern as the fundamental value of this juggernaut media machine now becomes its ability to influence and direct public opinion while dissolve/replacing cultural values. Care to take a guess at what direction The Powers That Be are trying to steer us in? Take a look at the garbage they produce and honestly consider if you didn't already know, but hadn't yet admitted it to yourself yet…

The bigger picture which few are willing to even consider, let alone expose, is that Kathleen Kennedy aint just doing this out of professional spite or ambition… she fully realizes that her position comes with the authority and expectation that she will be advancing the social agendas of her masters. Kennedy also fully realizes that the majority of the industry will back her, at least initially. So this was a multiple-birds-with-one-stone opportunity to kneecap her in-studio competition while attempting to seize control of the instrument which will allow for the further implementation of public indoctrination: the most successful and influential franchise in movie history. A powerful moment to set the stage by announcing that THIS is the new way of thinking and if you decide to color outside the lines, expect they will try taking away your crayons and attempt to bar you from earning a living through your craft.

Either acquiesce and subordinate yourself to the New World Order, or starve if you cant find another gig.

Sacrificing the Ideal -

Part of what makes this situation so infuriating is that FINALLY a female who represents realistic body types, genuine physicality and a free spirited mentality broke through and forced the biz to accept her as she is… a full grown woman. Call it a return to the 50’s, call it a return to sanity, call it what you will but while checking off the typical image-aesthetic boxes required to receive a Hollyweird “push” Carano embodies the glamor and beauty expected of a high profile actress while still being able to film her own fight scenes. This success should have been reason to celebrate a new definition of what the public could expect in terms of female cinematic depictions moving forward.

Gina Carano represents a unique opportunity for an overhaul of the dated, elder-male-exec-compliant image of weak and incapable female characters who serve as eye candy, a punchline to bad humor and always needs to be rescued. With Cara Dune, females of all ages and races are exposed to a role-model who can act as her own hero, saving the day herself… and Carano’s authentic status as an off-screen warrior proves that she aint all smoke and mirrors for the camera. These qualities were evident long before her acting career began.

So what will it take to halt or even slow down this accelerated phenomenon of cancel culture, imposed social agenda implementation and attempted reshaping of public sentiment? Who could derail such an artificial runaway freight train, operating at the behest and direction of the very highest echelons representing industry authority? What possible force stands ready and equipped to face down this foe who refuses to respect any of the established rules of public demand or artistic meritocracy?

Revenge of the Nerds -

Carano’s fellow Italian-American WMMA pioneer (still active), legendary nerd girl extraordinaire and all around super-swell human being, Roxanne Modafferi.

Big time Hollyweird players have seemingly met their match. No amount of money can placate the murder hornets hive they just agitated. No amount of obfuscation or distraction will detour the hordes now howling for justice. Hollyweird cannot out-meme or become more internet active than these dedicated soldiers, and it aint just your standard issue protestors and activists who are coming for vengeance… these people are dedicated, roll with super deep numbers and will show up to put you on blast dressed as Weapon X, the Predator or even Cara Dune. The geeks have made up their minds, they wont be denied and do they ever know how to get results… which starts by judiciously voting with their wallets.

A crucial, potentially fatal flaw with this plan seems to be the underestimation of just how severe fan reactions would be and how long they would maintain peak intensity levels in response to such an affront. To be honest, this has been brewing for a while with many already looking for a reason to set it off with Disney in general and Lucasfilm in specific. Unhappy with the increasingly out-of-touch direction these franchises are being taken in after giving their loyal devotion, fans have been looking for a reason to rise up and demand a quality control check on the product they enable to exist with their financial support.

A large portion of this moment is also made possible by Gamergate and some of the other instances where problematic attitudes and behavior have previously been confronted, and rightfully so. As with any segment of people, you can still find jerks if you look for them. But the sci-fi/comic book/gaming communities deserve credit for recognizing these issues and addressing them, so it probably wouldn't hurt if the rest of us took notice of the example they set.

These can be fickle fans and initially, Carano found a lukewarm reception. But she won them over and her foul, forced ouster is proving to be a line in the sand that wont be tolerated. A hardline which allows the masses to rally around her cause. She had been fully embraced by Star Wars nation, and this betrayal provided the imputes for sending them on the warpath.

The triple truth is that the legions of die-hards are what its all about, and they are as unimpressed with Favreau’s refusal to speak up in defense of Carano as they are livid about Kennedy’s Machiavellian plot to have her permanently cancelled. The entire future of the franchise is now in question, which prior to this juncture was an unthinkable prospect to the corporate mind. The fan corps are represented by a truly diverse cross-section of society and all they really want is creative, quality media production and a positive (but generally politic-free) galactically-egalitarian environment of escapism. They are loyal and patient, but if you didn't know how seriously these people take their fun, check out just how much longer Kathleen Kennedy retains her job without making a meaningful, public bending of the knee to them and very serious concessions.

This started as a power struggle between power players, facilitated by their arrogance, disconnect and contempt for the very material and people who make their lavishly compensated employment possible… and it may provide a wakeup call the public requires for reinstating our voices with authority. To be willing to hold those deserving of it accountable when such action is required, or walk entirely and show that we are not dependent on any form of amusement, no matter how much we have invested into it prior to our realization that life will continue on without it.



Pixcayān Macuahuitl

Do we face front w/aspirations of hope & life, or a sense of dread & doubt? How will we greet changing seasons? Are these gangster riddles or evident truths?